
i may是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

i may



1.我可以 ... 潘广益 陌生人 |Stranger | mò shēng rén 张冬玲 我可以 |I May | wǒ kě yǐ ...

2.有可能退 ... She said she was going to retire. 她说她准备退休。 I may. 有可能退。 I can't make up my mind. 我还拿不定主意。 ...

3.来表达我愿意 “Do you……” 一句。所以,回答说 “I may来表达我愿意。 would would like to“ 想要” …

4.我也许 ... Obviously. 显然如此。 I may be married,I may, 我也许结婚了,我也许, ...

5.爱妹'll)、爱弟(I did)、爱嫂(I saw)、爱妹(I may)、爱抚(I've)这些爱来爱去很像乱伦大悲剧的名词,


1.i may have been born to be a benefactor to you , by sometimes giving you an opportunity of assisting me in my little perplexities.也许我生来就是你们的恩人,常常给你们一些机会,在我遇到一些小困难的时候给我帮个忙。

2.You know what? I know Chandler longer, so I always think of him as my best friend, but now. I may have to rethink some stuff.你知道吗?我认识Chandler更久,我也一直把他作为我最好的朋友,不过现在……我想应该重新考虑一下了……

3."I've been talking with a wholesale liquor company, " he said. "I may go out on the road. "“我和一家酒类批发公司谈过了,”他说,“我可能出去搞推销。”

4."So you think you could end all unemployment, do you? " Asked the interviewer. "And how, if I may be so bold to inquire? "“你认为你能够解决所有的失业问题,是吗?”采访者问道,“我想冒昧问一句,怎么做?”

5.Nobody can force you or is trying to. We know about your friendship with Mr. Hoover, I may add, and my boss respects you for it.我们知道你和胡佛先生的关系,而且告诉你吧,我的老板也因为这个而非常尊敬你。

6.She might have had her shirt on inside out and have been going to a photo shoot and . . . I may never speak to you again myself.她可能把衬衫穿反了,正要去照相馆……如果是我自己的话,我可能就再也不会理你了。

7.Ms. Julian and I may disagree on many facets of this case, but I do agree with her the accused is a very nice guy.朱利安女士和我或许对这一案子的许多方面均不能达成一致,但我必须同意她所说的被告确实是个非常好的人。

8.We both understood that the publishing process would be slow, and I may not be able to see the fruits of my labor right away.我们都理解作品发表的进度可能会很缓慢,而且我有可能不会立即能得到自己的劳动果实。

9."I may not give you back, though, " he said with a wicked glint in his eyes.“不过,我不打算把你还回去。”他说着,眼里闪过促狭的光芒。

10.i may not have the same ideologies as the sena but on the question of me being a patriot, i dont think there should be any confusion.我可能和sena没有共同的意识形态,但对于我是否爱国这个问题,我认为应该是不容置疑的。